Core Values

We exist to lead people into a healthy, growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

Biblical Authority

The Bible is God’s spoken word and we recognize it as the final authority for our lives. In light of this, our priorities and positions should be filtered through a Biblical worldview.


Intimacy with God

God desires a healthy, intimate relationship with each of us. Do you long for the presence of God? Is your life available to the Holy Spirit's direction?


Relational Evangelism

(Servolution)God's message of love, forgiveness and acceptance through Christ is most effectively conveyed within the context of personal, relevant relationships and Acts of Random Kindness (A.R.K.). We believe the best way to reach others is through serving.

Authentic Community

Love, belonging, caring, coaching and spiritual growth happen best in relationships with other believers. One of the ways we achieve this sort of community is through our small groups. Are you connected?